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Flickr army rotc

A scholarship to your third of fourth school is better than no scholarship at all. However, if you list Harvard & MIT plus three or more other schools you could likely get admitted to with an 1150 SAT score will increase your chance of receiving a scholarship to a school other than Harvard or MIT. Putting down only Harvard and MIT on the ROTC application, but only having an 1150 on the SAT means you are probably not getting a scholarship for those universities. List 5 or More Schools on Your Application : Applicants need to be realistic when putting down universities on their application. Here at Eastern we can complete both the fitness test and interview for you. Key things that need to be done to have the scholarship ready for the first board is to upload your high school transcripts, upload your SAT or ACT scores, complete the physical fitness test, and conduct an interview. If you really want a four year scholarship get your application complete prior to the first board. Additionally the first board is where a lot of four year scholarships are awarded from as well. Getting your application completed before the first board will increase your chances of receiving a scholarship because the application will be seen three times.

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Submit Your Application Early : The first scholarship board usually meets in October, the second board in January, and the third board in March. Based on this experience we have some tips we recommend to all ROTC National Scholarship applicants to maximize their opportunity to be awarded an ROTC scholarship.ġ.

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The Eastern Washington University Army ROTC office helps dozens of applicants each year navigate the ROTC scholarship process. Each year between October through March is the ROTC National Scholarship season where high school seniors apply for ROTC scholarships through the GoArmy website.

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